Sunday, August 20, 2006

Video Secrets Update.

Google just got rid of their "Groups" link, and exchanged it with their "Video" link...did you see that?

For the last few months, Google has been quietly building their new video service. Now, over 300 million more people will be noticing Google Video.

So what does this mean for you? Well, this service is "The Next Big Thing", and you have a chance to cash in on it.

"Google Video Secrets: Video eCourse" is a full hour of high quality, multimedia video tutorials, designed to teach you everything you need to know to cash in on this new phenomenon.

And guess what? You're not going to need expensive equipment to do this. No, you can start on a shoestring budget!

See it here -->

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Video Advertising Secrets.

Welcome to the video advertising secrets. If you are involved in or considering using video advertising then you should really check out the video advertising tips, tricks and secrets. Learn simple but effective tactics used by the professionals and enhance your own productions by raising the standard.